Do What You Love

What is it that you love? What gives you the drive to wake up every morning and go out there and be? To create. Everyone has to have that one thing.

Whether it be your hobby. Whether it be your profession. Do what you love. Never give up and push yourself forward.

Do you want to freeze time with your photographs? Do you want to write from your heart? Do you want to tell a story? Do you want to draw? Paint? Collect exotic cars? Explore every inch of the world to find treasures from the past?


Whatever it may be, do it. Just remember to never give up. Life is a mystery, is it not? Philosophers from the past and present, they continue to search for meaning.

The meaning to everything.

We as individuals strive to find meaning within ourselves. Have we not looked ourselves in the mirror and asked, “why me.”

Why me.

That is the very question we seek the answer to. We live each and every day to sculpt that person we want to become. We want to be happy. We want to live. Therefore, it is imperative that we find that one thing that we love to do. It may be several, and that is perfectly fine. However, if one does not even have that one thing, look deep within yourselves and find that passion that is urging to get out. It may be a deep, dark abyss, but it’s there.


This is what’s going to make you happy. This is what’s going to give you purpose. You will slowly start to fill your life’s page with meaningful things. You will slowly understand that very question…

Why me.

Photography. Writing. Creating. Being.

Do what you love.